Project #4: Ways of Seeing: Vision

Project #4: Ways of Seeing: Vision

Part 1: Annotated Bibliography

Using this collaborative document, we will crowdsource the materials you find that we need to best understand our possible statement formats: mission statement, vision statement, artist statement, designer statement, manifesto. Find 4-5 sources that provide reliable, useful information about that style, or provide examples of them, and write a 100-200 word annotation for each. Each annotation includes 1-a useful summary of the resource, 2-an evaluation of its relevance, quality, and usefulness, and 3-keywords (3-5) that will help us navigate through the bibliography.

Due: 11/21

Part 2: Consensus on Forms

Each group will be responsible for informing the class about one of possible statement formats. Presentations must include

  • each member of the group contributing
  • each member of the group speaking
  • an agreed-upon list of features of that format
  • a Q&A session for interested students to learn more

Due: 11/26

Part 3: Your Ways of Seeing

Using the information from our Annotated Bibliography and the sources it includes, plus the presentations, choose a format for your Ways of Seeing creative statement, and write your statement in that format. Be sure your work fits with the features of the format, and takes advantage of those features to best represent your ways of seeing. Not every format will use a thesis statement, but to the extent possible, convey a cohesive idea about your creativity and demonstrate that focus throughout your statement. The length of your statement may vary based on which format you use, but this should be approximately 200-300 words.

In addition to posting this statement on our Ways of Seeing OpenLab site, you will also incorporate it into your visual+text collection, either in one spot (eg at the start, at the end, one important spot in the middle), or threaded throughout–again, this should be done with purpose, not as an afterthought.

Due: 12/3

Part 4:Rationale

Using the information in the Annotated Bibliography and its sources and the presentations, write a reflective rationale for why you chose the format you chose, what its features are, and what it allowed you to express. Refer to specific sources as you explain the format’s features, and to your Ways of Seeing statement as an example. This rationale should be approximately 600 words, and should include a Works Cited list.

Due: 12/5

As you work to build your collection of images and words that represent your Ways of Seeing, you will also work on developing a written statement that encapsulates what your creative project conveys.

To accomplish this, we will work in stages to understand the different options available, to choose among them and deliver a written statement to be included in your Ways of Seeing collection, and to reflect on the choices you have made.

In completing this project, you will:

  • Consider audience, genre conventions, purpose, voice, and scope
  • Participate in types of expression that you have learned about
  • Think critically about your work
  • Research relevant topics and share results via a collaborative Annotated Bibliography
  • Put your ideas in conversation with ideas the class gathers through research techniques
  • Collaborate with classmates to share ideas about genres learned through research
  • Reflect on your own work, on your classmates’ work, and the larger body of work that informs yours

Due Dates:

  • Entries for Shared Annotated Bibliography Due: Th 11/21
  • Format Checklist and Presentations: T 11/26
  • Ways of Seeing statement: T 12/3
  • Rationale: Th 12/5