
condominium (noun)

1. an apartment house, office building, or any other complex
In the article “Here, Poverty And Privilege Are Neighbors; Income Gaps Are a Source of Resentment and Guilt” by Janny Scott, the word condominium is shown here: “…where one tract compasses everything from new luxury apartment houses and full-floor condominium lofts to small, decaying apartment buildings”. The term “full-floor condominium lofts” basically means condos.  Scott is talking about how the neighborhood of Chelsea has everything from luxurious condos to jerry-built apartments.
Source: Dictionary
Synonyms: apartment, condo, co-op, townhouse

Project #3 – Juxtaposition FINAL

Out with the old, in with the new. This is New York City’s motto. This city is always evolving, whether it is the architecture, street art, or the culture itself. This may be exciting for some, but for locals it is sometimes devastating, as their some of their favorite classic pizzerias are being replaced with internet cafes. Their neighborhood is changing before their eyes. This is rezoning. Rezoning is increasing in different parts of the city as we speak, especially in Downtown Brooklyn. The rezoning process of a neighborhood shows lots of juxtaposition. Juxtaposition is the fact of two things … Read More...


opulence (adjective)

  1. affluence, wealthiness
  2. abundance

In the article “Here, Poverty And Privilege Are Neighbors; Income Gaps Are a Source of Resentment And Guilt” by Janny Scott, the word opulence is used in this sentence: “…an area along the beach in Brooklyn where West End Avenue appears to be a stark line of demarcation between the serene old-immigrant opulence of Manhattan Beach and the teeming new-immigrant enclave of Brighton Beach”. Scott is saying that there is a clear boundary (huge difference) between a peaceful, wealthy neighborhood and a densely populated ethnic enclave.

Source: Dictionary

Synonyms: riches, prosperity, lavishness, luxurious…