Project 5

I have learned a lot this semester about writing. Although it’s not my favorite subject I have learned to put up with it and take advantage of it. I came into city tech not really knowing the reason behind me wanting to do graphic design, with the help of English1101and my professor I was able to dig into my thoughts and find a reason why? I was pushed everyday to get to know myself. Starting with choosing an avatar, to be honest I never really though such avatar can have such powerful meaning. Until professor gave a whole lecture about it and we spent days trying to figure out the meaning by writing a formal essay about it.


As seen above this is the avatar I chose. I believed that this represented me I many different ways. My personality : im full of joy and laughter my aesthetic: I enjoy seeing color working with color and playing with color. I also took this image in an exhibit which I also love doing “exploring”. Not only did I learn more about myself as a person but as a writer I learned that I like speaking my thoughts. I like receiving feedback to be able to correct my mistakes and grow from there. I would take this English 1101 knowledge and bring it to me with the rest of my semesters at city tech. It’ll help me grow and be able to look back at how I started my whole college experience.And not only in school but in like work and other places in which k=who knows ill end up. All the new vocabulary and formats, for example designer statement ” I wrote one for my ComD class and I was able to write it with such a passion , because I wanted to be able to express myself to others and explain to them my goal and how I view my projects. Although they’ll be free to have their own opinion I want to be able to give them an idea of what was going on through my head when creating it and what  better way then writing it!

Overall my experience in English 1101/ first semester of college  was different, something I was able to adapt to and something I still need practice in because there is so much I don’t know .

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