Sound Visualizations: Phase 1

For my design for project #2, I found many repetition and patterns of squares and triangles. I was doing it intentionally, because I couldn’t think of anything else that represents staccato. Staccato is something that has the beat of fast and sharply detached or separated from others. Because of the sharply detached sounds from the song, it became more geometric than the legato deign. On other hand, legato is a smooth, calming note that has no breaks in between. Because of the long lasting flow to the music, it made the design more organic shaped. Another thing that I want to add is that some of the songs are not as easy to identify the beat of the music. Some of us had struggle when identifying the beat, which some changes during the course of music.

Music that I listened to: Here

I listened to this music while designing, because I liked the beat where it shows many examples for staccato. There is some parts of the song that are legato where it inspired me.

*Note, I might change 1 or 2 design due to my feelings for it. (Will update when I finish the new one)

Took me about hour each for legato and staccato


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