ENG 1101 Class 3: Peer feedback; Ways of Seeing

In class, we will work in small groups to brainstorm about Project #1 and provide peer feedback. In your groups:

1. Review your outline/brainstorm on your own, adding anything you want to add. (5 minutes)

2. Each group member takes a turn explaining what they are planning to write in Project #1 (5 minutes each =15 minutes)

3. After each group member explains what he or she has planned for Project #1, the other two group members will offer a say-back. That is, the other two group members will sum up what they heard the presenter say. They will also review the instructions for Project #1 to determine if the plan fits the requirements for Project #1. (5 minutes each=15 minutes)

4. Each group member will take notes during his or her turn for receiving feedback.

5. After everyone has had a turn, each group member will write a plan for the next stage of drafting. This can be a freewrite, a bulleted list, a mind map, etc. (5 minutes)

6. Remember that drafts are due by Friday, 9/12 on your ePortfolio. When you submit your draft, look on the Ways of Seeing site for instructions about reviewing your peers’ work.

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After groups have completed this work, the class will watch the first episode of the BBC production of “Ways of Seeing.” This groundbreaking television series was the basis for the book of the same name, which is the source of our reading for this class and subsequent classes. (note: some of the words in the captions are incorrect.)

At the end of class, take the remaining time to write a reflection, answering the following questions: what remains with you after watching Part 1 of “Ways of Seeing”? What questions do you have? These reflections will be collected to help guide the next class’s discussion.

Please read further in Ways of Seeing, to page 23, up through the second paragraph.

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