Tag Archives: peer review

Peer feedback for Project #2

Now that you have submitted drafts of Part 1 of Project #2, let’s share our ideas in the form of offering constructive feedback. That means offering classmates the sense of what they have done well and what needs improvement–but it can also mean just reflecting back to them what you understand and observe as you read their work.

Your homework will be in the form of comments on classmates’ posts. Choose two students to offer your feedback, which you will share as a reply to their Project #2 Part 1 draft post. Please do not give feedback to someone’s work if two classmates already have, unless there are no other classmates to respond to.

In your comment, let your classmate know:

  • what you understand to be that pivotal passage in their essay
  • what argument they make
  • where that argument is stated (although it should be in the introduction, sometimes this doesn’t happen until later, such as in the conclusion! Good to know that now so it can move earlier in the essay!)
  • if the examples support the argument
  • if you can detect any of the five steps for incorporating quotations in the body paragraphs of the essay, and which ones they are.
  • what you think the essay’s so what? is.
  • anything else you think is extremely important for them to know about your experience reading their work.

Feel free to ask more questions in the comments–either directed at the classmate who has reviewed your work, or in advance of that to help guide the feedback they offer.



Responding to our retellings

Part 1 of Project #1 is due today on our site so that we can give each other feedback. I’ve gotten many questions about when exactly the drafts are due. I had said Monday on our syllabus, and since we need time to read them and comment on at least two classmates’ retellings, please post them by what would be the end of our class time today (if we met on Mondays),  2:15pm.

For your post:

  • title: the title you’re giving your retelling
  • paste your retelling into the post
  • category: choose Week 6 under Homework AND draft under Project #1
  • tags: choose the tag for the story you’re retelling, plus any others you think are appropriate

When you choose the two retellings you want to comment on, address the post’s author to let them know:

  • what shift in narrator did the retelling’s author make?
  • what do you understand are the changes the shift in narrator necessitated?
  • what effect do these changes have on your experience reading the story?
  • anything else you want to recommend?
  • as always, we’re respectful of our classmates, even if we disagree. Please be sure your comments treat your classmates and their work with resepect. Please also understand that when you read comments on your retelling, critiques are intended to help you improve your work, not to personally attack.
  • feel free to reply to the comments with follow-up questions, like you would do in class if you were working together face-to-face.
  • as with homework in general, these comments are due by end-of-day Tuesday.

Please bring a printed copy of your retelling to class on Wednesday. so we can continue this peer review activity and discuss the retelling process.