Week 4 Blog

In “Young Goodman Brown there was two things that really stood out to me. In paragraph 11 The old man, who I believe represents the Devil in this story states “You are late. Goodman Brown, says he.” in paragraph 12 the “Good Man” (Brown) responds with “Faith kept me back a while.” A very clever way of discerning that a good man with faith is hard and challenging to the Devil to tempt in his evil ways. Unfortunately in this story the Devil makes Goodman Brown as a follower with no faith. Now you may ask what was the turning point of in this story of how this occurred. In paragraph 50 after assuming that the pink ribbon is the end of Faith, Goodman Brown states “My Faith is gone!” then goes on to say “There is no good on earth; and sin is but a name. Come devil! for to thee is this world given.”. At that point he races toward sin–“And maddened with despair, so that he laughed loud and long, did Goodman Brown grasped staff and set forth again, at such a rate that he seemed to fly along the forest-path, rather than to walk or run.” The devil may not be real entity in our world but this story shows that loss of faith is.

In the second story “Metamorphosis” I am not really sure what the changing of a human being to a  to a undesirable useless bug-like creature what supposed to represent, other than the effect it had on Gregor Samsa’s family. At first there was pity on him followed by the hope that it was temporary and that he would revert back. Then there was the relationship with Greta that proved how Love can always keep you going. But in the end reality shows that all can be lost and Gregor became a disturbing entity to all who loved him the most. I think this was a harsh way of showing that. Even though the clerk’s role was short it began the pity I was talking about as he talked bad about him and put him down in front of his family, even resulting of his job loss. Who would not feel bad about someone like that. The hope was that they decided to house him and feed him, until he could become Gregor the human again. His sister became his advocate and his voice to his parents, almost knowing what he was thinking. But the paragraph that stood out was on page 45. “The charwoman stood in the doorway with a smile on her face as if she had some tremendous good news to report, but would only do so if she was clearly asked to.” then she goes on to say after a brief chuckle–“well then, that thing in there, you needn’t worry about  how you are going to get rid of it. that’s all been sorted out.”. To me it was obvious that Gregor had become himself again. But the strain that the family put themselves through was too much and they could not fathom any news that was good. What happened next was the family had new life their worries were over, and the future became bright. And that day they started their new beginning without Gregor.


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