Internship Week 10 Entry


We decided to change the search function. For now, we can only search by date, location, and number of children, but we’re going to add leaning interest too.

We’re getting feedback about home page from parents. Most parents say that they are not sure what they should do when they come to homepage. Then I looked at airbnb for reference and first thing I realized is that they are very clear what they want users to do for first step, “Search”.

Airbnb homepage


I also looked at another website called “DogVacay”, the company offers dog sitters. Their home page style is very similar to ours. A big image on the top and under that, they have the section “how it works”.

DogVacay homepage


Compare to our homepage, Dogvacay has the big search bar over the image. This is also very clear what they want users to do first. So we decided to add search bar over the image instead of having “GET STARTED” CTA.


Our current homepage

Revised homepage


This way parents know what to do first at first glance. Also I made image bigger to fill the full screen and put the scroll down indicator (arrow) on the bottom because this way the homepage looked much cleaner. Next week I’m going to be designing mobile homepage. I think it’s going to be much difficult since space it limited for mobile screen, but I’l start look for reference.