1. Media Literacy

While this paper has discussed a variety of ways for reducing the negative usage of deepfakes, media literacy proves to be one of the two best solutions to the issue of the deep fake as internet users apply their learned skills to analyze the accuracy of the presented information. Media literacy enables internet users to critically analyze and evaluate media messages to better understand the world around them. It includes the ability to deconstruct media messages to understand how they are constructed and what they are trying to communicate. In other word, it equips internet users with the power to identify confirmation bias, filter bubbles, and echo chambers and help them understand them better. Through this method, people can synthesize the honesty of the news provided by the deep fakes.

2. Creating The Ultimate Deepfake Detection Architecture

The Two-Stream Capsule Network Concept is our second recommendation to put a stop to the spread of media manipulation and spreading misinformation, also known as deepfakes. In the article Deepfake Detection using a Two-Stream Capsule Network by Z. Joseph and C. Nyirenda, the authors present a multitude of techniques and technologies used to create deepfakes. In doing so they are able to reverse the technology and use it to then identify patterns with the assistance of AI, algorithms and CNNs. Of the several referenced techniques and different technologies the authors focused on four separate architectures and combined their individual methods of identifying media forgery.