Professional essay

The reason why I decided to become a human services worker is because of the interaction one has with different type of culture and belief with each client. Another reason is learning the ways to be open minded and not judgmental with people in our society. By learning about myself and how to overcome issues I may have like my clients will be a source of support for me in this field because it serves me as a proof that these skill I am promoting to them can help you manage and cope with life issues and overcoming them. By accomplishing this profession it will help me personally in the way which I would feel a sense of proudness because I was able to obtain a profession I am excited to work in and the benefits of it. The benefits of this accomplishment would be seeing the work I put into this career come alive in my clients as they also become successful in life as I have.
I think that i have the personal strength of being able to handle pressure and listening to people express themselves when they have a problem is a quality that can be useful as well effective in this practice. The reason for this is with a human service profession a helper must be able to listen to their clients relieve all their problems and worries out with someone who won’t judge them as well as tell them what to do but being able to help them reach a decision all by themselves without any influence if other. This way the client can feel self-sufficient about themselves because they reach a decision on their own that they see and feel is the best thing for themselves and situation overall. This was all accomplish by just listening to the client and helping them see all the possible solution to this issue and they choosing the best solution.
Another reason chose to be a human services worker is because i really want to work with people that have HiV/Aids. People with HIV and Aids face many challenges. Some of them can’t pay for their medication. Some of them experience job lost, discrimination, financial and possibly loss of benefit which deals with their health plan. In order to help them I have to look at them as somebody who is healthy, and who is not dealing with a disease that will led them to death. Also not judging them and seeing them as someone who’s irresponsible for allowing this to happen to them because of not being safe. Learning how to just be there for them, and supporting them as well as helping them understand that they could be just as active as other human being. I want to serve this population because this disease is affecting people in my community. This disease is killing and reducing the amount of people in my community because of the lack of education on this disease as well as ways of prevention. The human services need of this population is the help of coping with the issue of being diagnose with this disease and facing life with a positive view.