Group 8

Group Assessment

  1. Identify your responsibilities within the group: _____________________________
  2. Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? ___ yes ____ no ____ most of them
  3. If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks.
  4. Identify another group member: _________________________________________________
  5. How would you rate this person’s participation in the group?
  6. ____________________This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project.
  7. ____ _______________This person completed all work assigned to him/her, but was not otherwise involved.
  8. ____________________This person completed most of the work assigned to him/her, but other group members contributed more than he/she did.
  9. ____ ________________This person did not contribute to the group project.
  10. If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here.

9 Responses to Group 8

  1. 1. Identify your responsibilities within the group:
    I took on the role of group leader as well as the task of collaborating the information into one organized case study research paper.

    2. Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? Yes, I am completely finished with the duties entrusted to me, I have compiled all of the information acquired by our group members and typed up a an APA format Interhospital case presentation depicting the patients status from the acquisition of the pathology to the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of the patient. The information is supported by the the case information acquired by Myra Lucero, the images acquired by Enasha Perry, information acquired from Merill’s Atlas of Radiographic Positioning & Procedures 12ed, information supplied by Comprehensive Radiographic Pathology 5th ed, and not to mention the resources that Stanley Dervil found for us.

    4. Identify another group member:
    Allessandra Simar

    5. How would you rate this person’s participation in the group? This person took the information we put together and created a powerpoint presentation for the three people that are going to present the project!

  2. Mlucero says:

    # Identify your responsibilities within the group: I have acquired all information that I can get on this particular case
    # Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? YES
    # Identify another group member: Kirsten Johansen
    # How would you rate this person’s participation in the group?Great
    This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project.
    # If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here. She is one of the people presenting the the project to the class and responsible for the interhospital poster

  3. Enasha says:

    Group Assessment

    Identify your responsibilities within the group: Acquiring the images
    Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? X –yes ____ no ____ most of them
    If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks.
    Identify another group member: Simon Sachakov
    How would you rate this person’s participation in the group? Great
    ______________x______This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project.
    ____ _______________This person completed all work assigned to him/her, but was not otherwise involved.
    ____________________This person completed most of the work assigned to him/her, but other group members contributed more than he/she did.
    ____ ________________This person did not contribute to the group project.
    If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here.

  4. kjohansen says:

    I am one of three presenters and will also contribute to the construction of the poster that is to be apart of the final presentation. I have not yet entirely completed my tasks. I am now able to begin preparing for the presentation because I have received the completed PowerPoint file that will be the basis of the vocal presentation. Tomorrow I will interact with my fellow presenters and divide up the topics to present. We will not complete the poster until we receive the template from our Professor. Alessandra is another group member and I rate her participation as great because she has completely her part of the project. Thanks to this group member I know I will have enough time to properly prepare our presentations. This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project.

  5. Mabuzahrieh says:

    Identify your responsibilities within the group: ________Presenter_____________________
    Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? no not yet i will be one of the presenters.
    If either answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks. Because i need to wait til its due, presenting
    .Identify another group member: Stanley
    How would you rate this person’s participation in the group? Good and very driven,This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project.

  6. Marley says:

    Identify your responsibilities within the group: 2nd Presenter.

    Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? ___ yes __x__ no ____ most of them.

    If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks: I present the project on the due date with the other two presenters.

    Identify another group member: Enasha

    How would you rate this person’s participation in the group? Excellent. She is incredibly involved in each phase of this project.

  7. Marley says:

    Identify your responsibilities within the group: 2nd Presenter.

    Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? ___ yes __x__ no ____ most of them.

    If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks: I present the project on the due date with the other two presenters.

    Identify another group member: Enasha

    How would you rate this person’s participation in the group? Excellent. She is incredibly involved in each phase of this project.

  8. Group 8
    Group Assessment

    1.Identify your responsibilities within the group: _____________________________
    2.Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? __X_ yes ____ no ____ most of them
    3.If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks.
    4.Identify another group member: ___________________Simon sachakov______________________________
    5.How would you rate this person’s participation in the group? A great leader

  9. Alessandra says:

    Group Assessment

    Identify your responsibilities within the group: to create the PowerPoint
    Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? Yes
    If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks.
    Identify another group member?
    How would you rate this person’s participation in the group project? Kirsten has been very helpful. Although she is a presenter, she did offer to help with the PowerPoint.
    This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project. enasha This person completed all work assigned to him/her, but was not otherwise involved. Everyone is involved in this project.
    This person completed most of the work assigned to him/her, but other group members contributed more than he/she did. Not sure bc final project is not complete.
    This person did not contribute to the group project. Everyone is involved
    If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here.

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