The ending of this story really threw me off in more ways than I ever expected. It was talking about the death of a character, but I couldn’t tell who it was at first. I thought that it was Hyde, but Hyde was barely mentioned in the story so I knew that it couldn’t be him. However, once Jekyll was mentioned, my heart started to hurt because I thought Jekyll was a good person. He seemed the most composed out of everyone in the entire story whenever Hyde was mentioned. The one thing that surprised me most was that Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are the same person. Hyde was Jekyll’s alter ego that he uses to trick other people so they don’t find out his secret. I feel like now that Dr. Jekyll is dead, Mr. Hyde died with him but the ending itself just made me more confused.

We talked about the term redemption throughout this class which in this case deals with proving oneself or making up for something that was done in the past. I personally think that Mr. Utterson and Dr. Jekyll redeemed themselves the most through this entire story. Dr. Jekyll redeemed himself because this whole time he was searching for Mr. Hyde but he seemed to be hiding who he was from everybody for a long time. Now at the end of the story, Dr. Jekyll kind of revealed who Hyde was in a way through his death because Hyde was able to show himself to everyone once Dr. Jekyll was dead. I also think that Mr. Utterson was redeemed as well because he began to open his mind a little more and began to believe in the impossible. He was so close-minded during the story but by the end he began to open his mind and believe in things a little more.