Redemption is hard and as hard as you try too there are just some cases when you rely cant be redeemed because the action where far to grave but still you try and that was Dr.Jekyll. He tried to redeem himself due to the wrong doing of his dark counterpart called Mr.Hyde. This Dark counterpart all cam about because of an experiment designed to split a persons good and bad and Dr.Jekyll went through with this experiment and made a potion to bring about the success of the experiment. In the begging it kinda worked out the way he wanted still Jekyll was excited about it and like his new form of Hyde while he had control and saw he didn’t have to restrain himself as Hyde but later he lost control of Hyde and saw that what that potion instead of separating the good and bad like was thought to happen, instead it brought out ones dark part and gave it a identity its own person to be and that was Dr.Jekyll’s Mr.Hyde. Mr.Hyde was younger than Dr.Jekyll and more evil and started getting stronger and getting control of Dr.Jekyll’s body by turning into himself even when Jekyll didn’t permit or want to. Even though Jekyll wasn’t the one who committed the horrendous acts he still felt responsible because he was the one who brought Hyde in to existence and was the one who gave him so much control over him by getting addicted to drug /potion which made him feel good even though the first time he took it it was a bad feeling but from then on he felt great every time which caused his addiction to it and made him turn into someone younger and evil Hyde himself. What Dr.Jekyll did to try and redeem himself was by writing a letter to Utterson to let him and everyone know of his actions and the truth about Hyde and himself and to take responsibility for the deaths caused by Hyde and gives in the letter a hint of himself committing suicide if he couldn’t find a solution like how he used the salt and it didn’t work he had to find a new solution or else it was his only option and that was exactly what he did because he couldn’t bare anymore of those sins or not being able to remain himself and saw that there was no other solution other than that.