Professor Scanlan's OpenLab Course Site

Author: Christopher

Favorite scene from DOTN

My favorite scene from DOTN is in the end when the boat is docked. Poirot is standing outside and the dead couple (simon and jaqueline) are the ones who are transported out first. He looks at them for a bit until Linnet’s Godmother appears with Mrs. Bowers. Poirot apologizes for her being so wealthy as she passes by.  Afterwards, Andrew walks up to Poirot expecting to be arrested but Poirot declined and advised Andrew to settle his affair and pay his debt back. The scene was important to me because it summarizes the bond for Poirot and each passenger and shows how the passengers are affected.  In the novel, Simon and Jacqueline are alive by the time the boat is docked. Simon exits first and then comes Jacqueline. Simon apologizes to Jacqueline for telling the truth about the murder. Jacqueline reassures him it’s okay, calling it a fool’s game and they lost. She pulls out a gun and shoots Simon then smiles at Poirot as she aims for her own heart and pulls the trigger. 

Christopher Alberto- Who is the least ethical character?

Christopher 22–Who is least ethical character: Tim Allerton or Pennington? Ch 18, 26, 27. 

I’d say the least ethical character is Mr.Penington. When Poirot and Race interviewed him, Andrew would be uncomfortable. At times, he would use his handkerchief or just expressed some sort of shocked or astonished expression. They asked Mr. Pennington alot of questions such as information about who could have targeted Mrs. Doyle or if she has mention anything at all to him. Mr. Pennington was extremely nervous and didn’t seem interested in helping whatsoever. At one point, he lies to them and by the end of the interview, both Poirot  and Race glance at eachother as if they are aware of it. In Chapter 26, Fanthorp was interviewed by Poirot. Poirot wanted to know his motive for being on the boat but Fanthorp didn’t really feel like answering at first. Eventually, he revealed that his uncle didn’t trust Mr.Penington because of funds disappearing and later once Mrs.Ridgeway found Mr.Pennington coincidentally in Egypt; there was a possibility that he was desperate enough to attempt to get more signatures from her.


Translation Essay Outline

Christopher Alberto

Professor Scanlan 




The graphic memoir The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi and the film Persepolis by Satrapi and Vincent Paronnaud is about an Iranian girl who struggles with growing up in her country because of the Islamic revolution. She faces a lot of adversities that cause a lot of pain and changes to her life. I will be comparing the similarities and differences between the text and film version using Character and Setting terms. One of the exchange concepts that will be included will be Sacrifice. Color and non-diegetic/diegetic sounds will also be discussed.  

Body #1

Talk about similarities and differences with the terms Character and Setting with the film and text. 

Body #2 

Talk about the exchange concept Sacrifice ( Margi parents had no choice but to send their little girl to France )

Body #3

Talk about Color  (color in the beginning of the film/black and white for the rest) and Diegetic/Non-Diegetic sounds (Margi thinks to herself in her mind and her narration)


Summarization of the essay and the translation of the film and text




To Build a Fire

I enjoyed reading “To Build a Fire”.  The story is about a man who endures an excruciating journey in freezing temperatures. The man travels through the mountain with a wolf he encounters and travels 10 miles more towards the river in hopes of reaching the camp. The forest they travel through is filled with a lot of snow. The man from Sulphur Creek has advised The man about several adversities he may face such as traveling without a companion and building a fire under a tree.  Both the man and the wolf has cross the creek but the man suffered harshly from this because he fell and got wet.  This delayed him from continuing his journey and it made him weaker against the temperature. He made a horrible mistake by building a fire under a tree and that made things worse. He was colder and barely able to make another fire. He tried to kill the wolf for its fur but failed. He could barely grasp anything at this point. His purpose for this journey is to make it back to his kids in camp. At the end, he ends up embracing death and accepting it as a good way to die. He assumes he will be found soon. The story portrays the man as confident, adaptable and somewhat resilient. He never depended on the wolf as a companion and it seem like the wolf wasn’t against the man. The wolf would always follow the man and watch him. Even after the man attempting to kill the wolf, the wolf lingered around but from a distance.  It’s revealed in the end that the wolf knew where the camp was located all along; making the wolf a viable companion.