Hi Class,

Thank you for the good comments and questions throughout the class. I’m glad you enjoyed the film and glad we had time to rewatch the final 10 minutes.

1–Terms: last week we studied: Focal Point/Focalizer; Diegetic sound; MacGuffin; Lighting

And this week we reviewed: Camera Movement: pan, tracking, handheld, stationary, fast/slow motion.

2–Key Questions: Here are several questions from today’s class:

–How is tension built?

–How does the music influence our understanding of the film?

–What scenes in the film exhibit the idea of synchronicity?

–How does camera movement affect our understanding of the film?

–What is the role of humor in the film version?

–what brings Jefferies and Lisa together?

–Sam is split into two characters: Stella and Lisa. Is this more believable? Or less?

–What are the major symbols in the text and in the film?

–What kind of translation is this?

–Is Lisa the hero of the movie?



Read to page 81 (up to chapter 5) in Like Water for Chocolate. Bring to class at least one question. Be prepared to discuss the 5-part film tool.

During class, I will give you Quiz 2 which will be over Rear Window and the film terms we have been studying. The quiz will be due on Friday by 5pm.



Prof. Scanlan