Hi Class,


***Please note that we do not have class on Monday, September 5 (Labor Day)


Here’s today’s agenda:


1–Attendance and questionnaire check

2–OpenLab membership and joining issues

3–Discuss “Healthy Start” — see questions from previous post

4–Watch adaptation of “Healthy Start” and note key differences


Homework due Wednesday, Sept 7:

1–Read “Thank you, Ma’am” by Hughes

2–Read “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Poe

3–Formal Email Assignment: Write an email to me in you discuss your favorite story so far: HS, TYM, or TTTH. The email must include these five items:

Use of City Tech email address; a clear subject line, a greeting, a body, and a signature. The body of the email should be approximately 200 words.


Best wishes,

Prof. Scanlan