Author: Sajeevan

Sajeevan Rangeswaran

English 2001 – O525

December 14, 2020

Ganchin vs Master Zong

Ethics is a moral principle that governs a person’s behavior. In this essay, I will analyze what kind the ethics the main characters are following in “A Good Fall” by Ha Jin. There are five types of ethics that I have to learn in this class which are Virtue, Utilitarian, Feminist, Deontology, and Global. Virtue ethics is what kind of person do I want to be. Utilitarian is max good for them. Feminist is a feminist perspective is important as masculine. Deontology is when the person needs to follow the rules of their job. Global is globalization. In the story “A Good Fall” by Ha Jin Ganchin is the main character gets fired at the beginning of the story. He did not like his life, so he decides to commit suicide, but he did not die. His life changed because of suicide, a lot of people came to the hospital to visit him and help him. I will be analyzing three important scenes from the story “A Good Fall.” Those three scenes are one is when Master Zong fires Ganchin at the beginning of the story, the second one is when Ganchin meets Cindy in the bar, and the last one is when Ganchin meets Teng’s garden owner before committing suicide. 

“A Good Fall” by Ha Jin is a global fiction. Globalization is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide. “A Good Fall” talks about Ganchin who is from china and moved to flushing, Queens to have a better job. He did not know anyone other than Master Zong who betrays him by not paying his salary. Ganchin does not even know English since he never learns the language. Ganchin stayed in flushing, Queens without knowing English because he wants to make money in the U.S.A.  

Master Zong is one of the important characters in “A Good Fall” by Ha Jin who impacts Ganchin’s life negatively. For example, when Master Zong tells Ganchin “We don’t owe you anything,” Zong answered, his hooded eyes glued to Ganchin’s pale face. Our contract says clearly that you’ll pay me fifteen hundred dollars a month. So far you haven’t paid me a cent.” This is important because Master Zong is following Utilitarian ethics in only maximum good for himself. Ganchin worked hard for his money, but Master Zong does not want to give it to him. Another example is when “Zong got up from the floor and went out to the backyard, where his midnight blue BMW was parked.” This is important because Master Zong is a monk, so has to follow a set of rules in which you can’t live a luxurious life. But Master Zong is following a Virtue Ethics in he decides to be what kind of person he wants to be which is to live a luxurious life. Master Zong doing whatever he wants since he is above Ganchin.

Cindy is another important character in “A Good Fall” by Ha Jin who impacts Ganchin’s life positively. Cindy wants to help Ganchin, but he could not accept Cindy’s help since he is a monk. An example from “A Good Fall” by Ha Jin is “He knew she was fond of him, but he said, “I am a monk and can’t think of anything like that.” “Why not return to this earthly life?”.” This is important because Ganchin is following Deontology ethics in following the rules of being a monk. Ganchin knows that being a monk means he cannot fall in love with anyone, even though he knows that Cindy loves him, but he cannot be with her. In the end, Ganchin changes his mind after knowing that he can’t be a monk anymore. An example from “A Good Fall” by Ha Jin is “Amazed, Ganchin thought about her words, then sighed. “I guess I’m not a monk anymore, and no temple will ever take me in.” “That also means you’re free to date a girl.” She giggled, rubbing her nose with a knuckle. “Well, I hope that’s something I can learn.” He gazed at her and smiled.” This is important because, after everything that had happened to Ganchin, Ganchin decides to follow Virtue ethics in living a normal life. He is fallen in love with Cindy and can live a normal life since he is not a monk anymore.  

The restaurant owner is another important character in “A Good Fall” by Ha Jin who tries to convince Ganchin not to commit suicide. The restaurant owner was so kind and welcomed Ganchin into his restaurant. An example from “A Good Fall” by Ha Jin is “The little man came back with a large bowl of rice topped with sauteed seafood and vegetables. He said to Ganchin, “Young brother, I can see you’re hungry. Eat this and you might think differently afterward.” This is important because the restaurant owner does not know Ganchin but when he knew he was hungry he gives him food without expecting anything. Not many people will help an unknown person and give them food, but the restaurant owner did not care anything about it. Restaurant owner followed virtue ethics in what kind of person he wants to be. He wants to stop Ganchin from committing suicide since committing suicide is not going to solve any problem. Even though the restaurant owner tried to convince Ganchin not to commit suicide, but Ganchin did not listen to him.

     “A Good Fall” by Ha Jin was my favorite story this semester since it had a positive end to it. Ganchin got supported by a lot of people because of how he tries to commit suicide but eventually, he failed. His suicide was talked about all over the newspaper which made a lot of people come to help. Attorneys came to ask some questions and want to help him. In the end, Ganchin was a happy man with Cindy.

Work cited

Coffeehouse #5

My favorite story is “A Good Fall” by Ha Jin because I was able to understand the story easily and clearly. The main characters in the story are Ganchin, Master Zong, and Cindy. Ganchin is the main character which story revolves around him. Ganchin is a monk who works in the temple under Master Zong who fires him one day because Ganchin was asking for his salary money. Master Zong is a monk himself who owns a luxury car and lives a luxury life even though the monk cannot do that. Cindy is a flight attendant who is a friend of Ganchin and wants to help Ganchin when he was struggling, but Ganchin did not want her help. The first important scene in the story is when Master Zong decides to fire Ganchin because he was asking for his salary. This scene is important because this is the main turning point of the story, if Ganchin was not fired in the first place then this story would have never happened. The second important scene in the story is when Ganchin decides to commit suicide and jumped from the top of the building. But nothing serious happened to him and he was admitted to the hospital. After that everyone talked about him and a lot of people came to help him because of that. Ganchin strictly follows deontology ethics because he follows monk rules seriously. He did not like Cindy at the beginning of the story because he is not supposed to get married. Even though Cindy liked Ganchin, Ganchin could not do anything. But in the end, Ganchin forgets about being a monk and decides to love Cindy. Master Zong, on the other hand, follows Utilitarian ethics, since he cares only about maximum good for himself. Cindy follows feminist ethics since she wants everyone to listen to her perspective. Also, she is living a life however she wants.

Midterm Essay

Sajeevan Rangeswaran

Midterm Essay, English 2001

October 26, 2020

                                                            Black Cat Narrator vs Emily

            Gothic is writing that creates excessive emotions and actions related to nightmares, mysteries, terror, death, and madness. We have read so many Gothic fictions this semester and most of them have a different gothic element in the story. There were two stories in which I felt the character has some similarities. The two stories were “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe and “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner. What are some of the similarities and differences between the narrator from “The Black Cat” and Emily from “A Rose for Emily” in their gothic fiction? 

           In the story “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe; the narrator is the main character, and he is an alcoholic who gets angry at everyone and beats his wife. One day he hanged his cat Pluto and after that, his house was destroyed by the fire. After that, he found a cat that looks like his cat Pluto. That cat followed the narrator even though the narrator did not like it. One day he could not tolerate the cat, so he decided to kill the cat with the knife, but his wife came in the middle, and instead of the cat he kills his own wife. Then he hides her body inside the wall where the cat will also get stuck. When the police came to his house, he got caught because the cat made noise from the wall. In the end, he was arrested for killing his wife and he is going to die now because of that. Spirit of perverseness has been discussed in “The Black Cat” when the narrator talked about how it’s human nature to commit a mistake and it happens to everyone. According to the Black Cat “Who has not, a hundred times, found himself committing a vile or silly action for no other reason than because he knows he should not? Have we not a perpetual inclination, in the teeth of our best judgment, to violate that which is Law, merely because we understand it to be such?” Here the narrator talks about how people know they should not break the law, but they decide to ignore it because of their nature.     

           In the story “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner, Emily is the main character who lives with her father in the southern united states. One day her father dies, and she lives alone in the house. One time she meets Homer Barron, who she falls in love with. Homer Barron told everyone in the area that he slept with Emily, which made Emily so angry. Emily decided to kill Homer Barron because of that. Even though she killed him; she kept Homer Barron dead body with her in the house. After a few years, she dies also because of aging. “A Rose for Emily” is told from a lot of different perspectives. It has been told from the first, second- and third-person points of view. An example from “A Rose for Emily” is “I want some poison,” she said to the druggist. She was over thirty then, still a slight woman, though thinner than usual, with cold, haughty black eyes in a face the flesh of which was strained across the temples and about the eye sockets as you imagine a lighthouse-keeper’s face ought to look.” Here they told from the first person and third-person point of view.  

           There have been a lot of differences between the Black Cat narrator and Emily from “A Rose for Emily”, but they have some similarities also. Uncanny is when gothic fiction shows some things that are close to reality. Both “The black cat” and “A Rose for Emily” showed some incidence that can happen in real life. For instance, the Black cat narrator kills the person he loves his wife and Emily kills the person who she loves Homer Barron. Even though Black Cat narrator didn’t mean to kill his wife, but in the end he killed her. Also, how they both kept their loved ones dead body with them in their house. Black Cat narrator buried his wife in the wall and Emily kept Homer Barron dead body in her bed. An example from “The Black Cat” is “And in this calculation I was not deceived. By means of a crowbar I easily dislodged the bricks, and, having carefully deposited the body against the inner wall, I propped it in that position, while with little trouble, I re-laid the whole structure as it originally stood.” Here the narrator talks about how he used the crowbar to open the wall and put the body inside the wall. An example from “A Rose for Emily” is “What was left of him, rotted beneath what was left of the nightshirt, had become inextricable from the bed in which he lay; and upon him and upon the pillow beside him lay that even coating of the patient and biding dust.” Here Emily neighbors find Homer Barron dead body after Emily dies and they talked about what happened to his dead body.                

To sum it up I never thought there will be similarities between two characters from two different gothic fiction, but now I have written an essay about it. There are a lot of stories that will have some similarities between the two different stories. Even though Emily and the Black cat had some similarities, but differences outweigh the similarities.


Sajeevan Rangeswaran

Midterm Essay, English 2001

October 19, 2020

                                                            Black Cat Narrator vs Emily

            Gothic is writing that creates excessive emotions and actions related to nightmares, mysteries, terror, death, and madness. We have read so many Gothic fictions this semester and most of them have a different gothic element in the story. There were two stories in which I felt the character has some similarities. The two stories were “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe and “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner. The narrator from “The Black Cat” and Emily from “A Rose for Emily” had similarities in their gothic fiction.

           In the story “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe; the narrator is the main character, and he is an alcoholic who gets angry at everyone and beats his wife. One day he hanged his cat Pluto and after that, his house was destroyed by the fire. After that, he found a cat that looks like his cat Pluto. That cat followed the narrator even though the narrator did not like it. One day he could not tolerate the cat, so he decided to kill the cat with the knife, but his wife came in the middle, and instead of the cat he kills his own wife. Then he hides her body inside the wall where the cat will also get stuck. When the police came to his house, he got caught because the cat made noise from the wall. In the end, he was arrested for killing his wife and he is going to die now because of that.              

In the story “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner, Emily is the main character who lives with her father in the southern united states. One day her father dies, and she lives alone in the house. One time she meets Homer Barron, who she falls in love with. Homer Barron told everyone in the area that he slept with Emily, which made Emily so angry. Emily decided to kill Homer Barron because of that. Even though she killed him; she kept Homer Barron dead body with her in the house. After a few years, she dies also because of aging.

Virtual Coffeehouse #2

For this coffeehouse post, I read “A very Old Man with Enormous Wings: A tale for children” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and “The House of Asterion” by Jorge Luis Borges. Both the stories had a lot of gothic elements and I will talk about the characters, plot points, and setting in this coffeehouse post.

First, let’s talk about “The House of Asterion”, Asterion is the main character in the story who is a half man half bull. He is not a regular man since he has bullhead and he doesn’t go outside his house because people are afraid of him. He is being feared by all the people and he is an arrogant person. Eventhogh he is a minotaur but most of the time he acts childish. He doesn’t have any friends, so he makes up games to play by himself. In the end, nine men die in front of him and he wants his redeemer to come for him and he doesn’t know how his redeemer will look like. Theseus believes the minotaur defended himself. Asterion lives in a Maze and he doesn’t do anything other than make a distractions for himself.

“A very Old Man with Enormous Wings”, in the beginning, Pelayo was killing crabs where he found an Old man with wings near his courtyard. The old man looked like a poor and homeless guy. Pelayo put the old man in the cage and made him stay there. When people started to come to watch the old man, Pelayo started charging them money and he got rich from it. But in the end, Old man regained his strength and flew away from the house. Eventhough the pelayo wife was watching she didn’t do anything. The main characters are Old man, Pelayo, Elisenda, and their child. I think this story happens in a village.

Virtual Coffeehouse 1

One thing that I did do this summer that made me feel good is played cricket with my brother and friends. A lot of my friends came to play cricket even though it was quarantine and we had a lot of fun playing cricket. We had new people who came to play cricket with us and we had a good game with them. I made new friends from playing with them. This summer I couldn’t visit any different places other than play cricket with my friends because of COVID 19.

My favorite story from the three stories we have read so far is “The Captive” because it was a short story and I was able to understand the story better than the other two stories. I read only one time “The Captive” and I was able to understand it, but The Black Cat and Lottery I had to read it two to three times to understand it. The captive had some sort of a happy ending than the Black Cat and Lottery.