Hi Class,

Thanks for your contributions today. We will continue to work on “Sonny’s Blues” on Wednesday. I hope to hear more favorite quotes.

I want students to present an ethical decision from the story and think through one type of ethics.

For example, today we approached this decision from page 22:

Should the narrator give money to Sonny’s friend? Why or why not? Is he going to help or hurt himself with the money?

Virtue ethicist: gives money because he thinks it is the right thing to do. He wants to be nice/generous. He always gives some money to him.

Deontologist: uses a rule to give money…for example, I put myself in another person’s shoes. Or, I follow the rule: give money to those in need.

Utilitarian: giving $ maximizes my happiness and his.

Global ethicist: Equality matters, so equal pay helps raise his finances.

Feminist ethicist: he is an addict and is in pain, therefore he should be helped.

**I recommend reviewing the handout before tackling this homework.


Email any questions,


Prof. Scanlan