Quarantine was pretty rough, I was out of a job and well paying bills was pretty tough. One thing that did happen over quarantine was that my friends from high school and I got back in touch. We played video games throughout most of quarantine and well they were fun times.

The three stories we read were all pretty interesting, it’s too bad i had already read “The Black Cat” and “The Lottery” in high school. “The Lottery” was the one that really captured my interest. It shows us how human nature works. It really shows with Mrs. Hutchinson’s character. She’s all about the lottery before she was picked, even though she was late. The moment she was picked it all changed, she was pretty much against it and said it wasn’t fair.

The other thing i liked about this story was the twist at the end. From the title and the way the story was going, one would think it’s about and actual lottery where the winner gets something good. Not in this one though, the end could really throw one off and leave them in a state of awe.