The fifth image on page 3 of the PDF version of Teju Coles’ essay “Perfect and Unrehearsed” is my favorite photograph from the entire essay. With each person in the picture appearing to be in their own little world, this picture has the feel of a documentary photo. Everybody seems to have a story to share; a completely different story may be told about the man smoking a cigarette close to the girl’s face in a deep darkness or the woman standing at the doorway wearing a red and blue dress. Even with the donkey in the photograph it serves as a visual indicator that the people living there live a hardworking, modest, agricultural, and rural life. The woman is facing sideways, her cheeks glowing with perspiration from an exhausting workday. Her head is tilted to the side, as if something interesting is drawing her attention, and her shining complexion alone may convey a lot of understanding. Just comprehending the boy in the shadows would be necessary. In this case, does he purposefully stand in the shade to avoid being photographed, or is he doing so out of discomfort, perhaps even to avoid the heat of the sun. As mentioned, there are a variety of stories from a variety of people that may be interpreted from this photograph, but the general idea would be that these people are hardworking and live a rural life, this is portrayed through context clues.