Welcome to Composition 2

ENG1121 Section D536


Homework assignments, readings, reflections, and helpful links will be posted here. In general, I will post the lesson agenda and homework right before class. I will put the homework in a gray box, and it will usually be at the bottom of the post.

Right now, the site is in its infancy, but it will grow throughout the first few weeks of class.


Agenda for Wednesday, August 28, 2024:


1–Introduction and how are you doing?

2–What are your expectations for this course? grammar, vocabulary, reading skills, explore different genres, creativity, improve writing, how to use OpenLab, improve communication skills, time management, be engaged.


4–OpenLab Tour: Syllabus and Main Menu Tabs

5–Text and Image: Rebecca Norris Webb (Readings menu tab)

*If time: Cornell Note Taking System


Homework due Wednesday, September 4. Be prepared to read from your answers

1–Spend 5-10 minutes looking around our website. What do you think of the links? The videos? The readings?

2–Sign up for OpenLab if you have not already done so. Register for my class. The videos may help.

3–Read “History of Photography Timeline” in the Readings menu tab…scroll to the bottom. And in your notes (either a physical notebook or on your digital device) write down: two ideas that were surprising to you; two ideas that you already knew; and two questions that you have about the reading. Students will not turn in this homework; it is meant for discussion. I will call on each student to contribute.