Essay 3 Due: Dec 10

Hi Class,

Remember that you must turn in Essay 3 on Tuesday, December 10. Please bring in your notes from the entire semester as we will review for the final exam on the 10th.

Revising and Proofreading Advice:

1. Buy a friend a cup of coffee and ask them read over your essay and make comments. Or, offer to trade essays.
2. Pay a friend/colleague a nickel for every mistake or problem that they find.
3. Read your essay out loud. Enunciate each word. If something is wrong, your ear usually picks it up.
4. Read “backwards.” This is a technique used by professional editors and proofreaders: starting at the end of your essay, read each sentence in reverse order (don’t read the words in reverse order).
5. Revise each topic sentence to reveal exactly what the paragraph is trying to claim/assert.
6. Replace all weak verbs; change passive verbs to active verbs.
7. Make sure that your topic sentences are aligned with your thesis. Do they help support your overall thesis? They should.
8. Make sure that your thesis, topic sentences, and your conclusion speak to each other–that they are linked. Revise as needed.
9. Make sure that commas are inside the quotations. For Example:

The unnamed narrator reveals that Lila Mae was dedicated, that she had “taken an oath and such things are to be taken seriously,” a remark that confirms her strong moral compass (14).

10. Make sure to use grammar check and spell check. Set the grammar check to “formal.”

11. Email me your questions.


Prof. Scanlan

Notes for Dec 3 Class

Hi Class,

Here is the “First Page” I typed up in class:

Notes from Class-Nov26

Please take into account that I intended this to be a helpful form. I do not expect anybody to use this actual thesis.


Remember that we will have quiz 3 at the beginning of class on Tuesday. And we will also have an in-class peer review of the Third Essay in class–please bring in at least two typed pages. And bring in any questions that you have.



Prof. Scanlan

Homework for Nov 26

Hi Class,

Please finish The Intuitionist and write down any lingering questions. Pay attention to moments Double Consciousness in the main characters. Also: what happens to the black box, Natchez, and Lila Mae in the end?

Bring the assignment details for Essay 3 to class so we can get started.


Prof. Scanlan

Homework for Nov 12

NOTE: 11 copies of The Intuitionist are now in the bookstore, near the counter. Please bring your copy next Tuesday. I heard a student tried to find them and the person working there couldn’t find them. The manager of the book store emailed me and apologized–they were right next to the checkout counter!


Read to page 65 in The Intuitionist and write down two questions that you have (not to turn in).


Prof. Scanlan

Thoughts for Nov 5th

For next Tuesday:

Below are some notes I put on the screen:

  1. For your Explication Essay (Essay 2), make sure to include a brief summary and the context for the two lines. A one-sentence summary will suffice.

For example: I will explicate the first two lines from the beginning of Willie Perdomo’s poem “Where I’m From”: “Because she liked the ‘kind of music’ that I listened to and she liked the/way I walked as well as the way I talked, she always wanted to know/where I was from.”

  1. Why did you chose these lines?
  2. Thesis and method: While X, I think Y.   For Example: In order to prove Y, I will explicate the alliteration and the similes in the two lines. Ultimately, this brief explication shows how poetic language triggers memory and emotions, making it last longer than the seasons mentioned in the poem.
  3. Explication—paragraph organization by theme!! This means that each paragraph begins with a strong topic sentence that leverages one of the poetry terms that we have learned.
  4. Conclusion: What did you learn about the poem as a whole from this brief, but deep, dive into the two lines?
  5. Please have your essay printed, with the peer review sheet, and first draft, stapled (and proofread) by 6:00 to get participation points.

NOTE: 11 copies of The Intuitionist are now in the bookstore, near the counter. Please bring your copy next Tuesday.

NOTE: I’ve changed my office hours to: Wednesdays from 9-11 am. And by appointment.



Prof. Scanlan

Homework for October 29

Hi Class,

I’ve posted Essay 2 assignment details in the Assignments menu tab.

For next week, please work on and bring a 250-word draft of your poetry explication. Make sure to read over the poems mentioned on the assignment sheet and look over all of the examples–you should have four examples. Remember, connotation is your friend.


Novel Update: I talked to City Tech Bookstore and they actually had eleven copies of the Colson Whitehead novel in stock, but they mistakenly returned them to the warehouse. I reordered them: they should be in by next Wednesday. But you might want to track down a copy sooner.


Prof. Scanlan

Homework Due October 15

Hi Class,

Remember: we do not meet October 1 or 8.

For October 15:

  1. Work on the four questions about poetry.
  2. Read all the poems on pages 350-372 in our textbook. Read slowly and carefully. Take notes!
  3. Journal 3 will be due: 300 words in which you compare two poems by briefly discussing at least one similarity and one difference.


Prof. Scanlan

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