“A Good Fall” by Ha Jin

Yinghe Zhao

ENG 1121 

Prof. Scanlan


Journal 6

“A Good Fall” by Ha Jin

The characters that appear in this short story are Ganchin (main character), Master Zong, Cindy, Fanku, uncle, and the two lawyers (Amy Lok and Jon Mah). Character: The main character changed his mind (think he is useless since his illness is becoming worse and worse, master fires him and pay him nothing, he wants to suicide after that.) and his lifes. “I can’t let you have your papers if you stay on illegally. From now on you’re on your own, and you must move out tomorrow. I don’t care where you go.” And “We don’t owe you anything.” Master Zong said in the short story. Setting: The description of the place where fanku lived symbolizes the living environment of individual immigrants. Plot structure: The beginning of the story: Ganchin teaches Kung Fu class in Gaolin temple, but he couldn’t teach Kung Fu class as well as before because he was sick for a few weeks. Middle: Master Zong fires him and pays him nothing. “From now on you’re on your own, and you must move out tomorrow. I don’t care where you go.” And “We’ve provided lodging and board for you. This is New York, where everything is expensive. As a matter of fact, we paid you a lot more  than fifteen hundred a month.” Master said in the short story. End: Suing the temple. Now because of his fame, Ganchin will avoid deportation, be granted asylum, and perhaps marry a citizen. He will be rich. Point of view (narrator): The short story uses third person narration, for example: Ganchin. Themes and symbols and metaphors: The theme of this short story is good vs. evil. Good – Ganchin; Evil – Master Zong. Ganchin is working hard in the Gaolin temple to try to have better lives. Master Zong and Ganchin’s contract said that Master Zong will pay him fifteen hundred dollars a month, but he hasn’t paid him a cent and fired him, asking him to move out of Gaolin temple.


word count: 346)

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan

    Yinghe, thanks for the journal. Good job with the categories.

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