“Doing Life” Maybe

I am going on a different trajectory to this question. It is December 2019, and everyone is enjoying the festive season. Nobody was thinking about March 2020 as they are now. Some people were making their new year resolutions. Others, making vacation plans. Fast Forward a month to January 2020, and half the world is in panic of a virus outbreak. Countries start shutting down, and businesses start dropping in sales. All the while the United States never thought it would be hit even harder. 

Then March 2020 comes, and the whole country is shut down, with more confirmed cases than where the outbreak started. Leaders not taking effective measures, and not soon enough. My point is we are never prepared enough. Nobody thought the virus could travel this far, and spread at this rate. All you can do is not panic, and cause anxiety. Just live life as you always would, and stay indoors. Take all the precautions, and safety measures given, and you will be fine. 

It is like a lesson that the unexpected can happen at any given time. Always have the mindset to be prepared, and plan ahead. This has indeed affected everyone. This being my last semester has got me thinking about my future at City Tech. All in all, it is one of those moments in life when you have sit down and appreciate every single thing you have. 

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan

    Hi Ibrahim,

    I appreciate your hope and optimism–two things that are hard to come by these days.

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