Alondra’s Conclusion- active euthanasia finalized

In conclusion, Active Euthanasia may seem to be a very uncomfortable topic for many, the reason still seems to be unclear, but it shouldn’t be concern to those who aren’t enduring such pain and anguish no other should have a say in a persons decision to want to end their suffering, medically speaking. The things I have learned have satisfied me with the fact that active euthanasia should be seen as empowering, the person has ultimate control with the situation, I also learned that it is far more expensive to keep someone alive especially with all their medical treatments that will do no help when a persons situation is far from help, I never saw it in that way. I believe that people who are curious with this topic should always start by reading James Rachel’s article,  since it informs about passive and active euthanasia and lets the audience build their own opinion about Euthanasia.

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan

    Thanks for your work, Alondra.
    -Prof. Scanlan

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