An inspired young artist!
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Spring 2023 culmination project
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Alexandria Miceli’s e-Portfolio
This is my e-Portfolio of my journey in the New York City College of Technology’s Dental Hygiene Program.
My time at NYCCT Dental Hygiene
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Hello! Welcome to my E-Portfolio, from my time being in NYCCT.
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Welcome to Guadalupe’s ePortfolio!
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Miriam Martinez Lima’s ePortfolio
Welcome to my portfolio!!!
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I am Kiara Martinez. I love art and fashion. I’m a student who is inspired to become a fashion designer.
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Hello Everyone. My name is Carlos Ortega; I am a current student at New York City College of Technology. I am pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Business & Technology of Fashion.
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Welcome to my portfolio for the Businesss & Technology of Fashion Bachelor’s degree program. This potfolio showcasess my skills and knowledge in businesss, fashion, and technology.
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Sophomore Portfolio/ COMD
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