Portfolios on the OpenLab

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Yelena Funk’s ePortfolio

This is my professional portfolio

joseph ibrahim’s ePortfolio

born on march 15, 1994 born in america ethnicity: eygption hobbies:football, poker, weight training, eating fancy foods, swimming, watching movies, video games, music

dwynette distin’s ePortfolio

This is community nursing and this required of us to provide an e-profile

Shereen Robinson’s ePortfolio

Shereeen Robinson Community nursing Wednesday

Joanna Mei’s ePortfolio


Porchia Thompson’s ePortfolio

Porchia Thompson’s ePortfolio

Patrick Chen’s ePortfolio

Under the supervision of various peers, my portfolio will demonstrate my own ideas in terms of design and document my process in the path of communicating through graphics.

Iyana Edwards’s ePortfolio

Iyana Edwards, RN

Edens Bichotte’s ePortfolio

Hey erry1.Welcome to my portfolio!!! This right here is where you will find all my works for my emt1111 class.

Hasina Munni’s ePortfolio


Tom Nguyen’s ePortfolio


jereen walton’s ePortfolio
