Fall 2016 - Professor Kate Poirier

HW #11 — WeBWorK — due Thursday, December 1

Homework #11 has three parts:

  • Here is the paper version of the problem set. Print it out and show all your work in the space provided for each question.
  • Here is the link for the WeBWorK version of the problem set. Enter your answers in the space provided before 2:30pm.
  • Here is link for the short questionnaire for you to complete after you complete the problem set. Read the questionnaire before starting the problem set.

Your username and password for WeBWorK are your last name with the first letter capitalized. Usernames and passwords are case sensitive. (If your last name has a hyphen, delete it to form your username and password.) Let me know if you have trouble accessing your account.

The questions on the paper version and WeBWorK version are identical. The whole assignment should take you under an hour to complete. You can complete all questions using material that you learned in Calculus I (MAT 1475) or below. (No MAT 1575 material is required). Everyone who demonstrates a clear and honest effort for all questions will receive full credit for this assignment. You must work independently on this assignment. Calculators/aids are not permitted. You may use the internet only to access WeBWorK.

Why are we doing this?

  • WeBWorK can be used effectively as an instructional tool in many different ways. As a teacher, creating sets from existing problems is straightforward, and there is a large library of existing problems to choose from. However, creating new problems is less straightforward (uses the Perl programming language and LaTeX). You should be aware of how this tool works, at least from the student side, in case you want to use it in the future. If you would like to create your own WeBWorK set to use as part of your final project, let me know and I’ll create a teacher account for you.
  • By completing this particular assignment, you’ll be helping me collect data for one of my responsibilities at CityTech outside of MEDU 2010. Thanks! 🙂


  1. Evelin

    I’m having trouble signing in. Help!

    • Kate Poirier

      Sorry Evelin! I was wrong about how the hyphen in your last name is used. Your username has the hyphen but your password does not. The P and the F are capitalized in each. Let me know if you still have trouble!

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