1. Geometry in Weight lifting
  2. Geometric angles can be formed throughout the human body, causing an exercise to target different muscle groups. Foot placement/stances , hand grips and handles used also plays a role in optimization for muscle growth. Lastly not only does weightlifting consist of geometry, but also trigonometry and physics, we can calculate the angle at which the force is exerted.
  3. I will describe the major compound exercises, along with the different ways to perform them to target different muscle groups. Also explain and give examples of how trig and physics can be involved in weight lifting.
  4. https://www.muscleandfitness.com/flexonline/training/working-all-angles/ https://squatuniversity.com/2016/04/20/the-real-science-of-the-squat/ https://ihealthsciences.com/equations