WebWork for Monday, September 15

You have four WebWork sets due tomorrow night, Wednesday. The next WebWork set, Substitution Method, is due Monday night.

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Quiz #2 – Thursday, September 11

This week’s quiz will cover material/homework from sections 5.3, 5.4, and/or 5.6.

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WebWork Antiderivatives #13

I noticed that a number of you have already finished most of the WebWork assignment on antiderivatives and have started on the others that are due next week. Good job! I received a question about #13 and thought the rest of you might like a hint.

In the other exercises that we’ve seen where we’re given f''(x) and asked to find f(x), we’re also given one initial condition for f'(x) and one initial condition f(x). Here, instead we’re just given two conditions that f(x) must satisfy. This means that we’re not given enough information to determine exactly what f'(x) is; we can determine it only up to a constant C. That’s okay! You can still integrate what you’ve got for f'(x)….

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WebWork Login Instructions

You all now have WebWork accounts. You should log in now and change your password. Usernames and passwords are case-sensitive. The first letter of both is capitalized.


Username: Lastname
Password: Lastname

If your last name is hyphenated or if you have two last names, then your username and password are both your names, capitalized with no hyphen or space between them.

Your first four WebWork assignments are due at 11:59pm on Wednesday, September 10:

  1. Antiderivatives
  2. Definite Integrals
  3. FTC Part I
  4. FTC Part II
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Tutoring is available. Check the schedule here: Tutoring Flyer F2014

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Link to download syllabus


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Welcome to MAT 1575!

This is your main MAT 1575 site. It’s still under construction, but it will soon contain all the information you need for the course.

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