Here is the generic rubric I showed in class today. We went though the  Problem Solving column together and I tried to interpret it in a way that should be more meaningful for you in terms of how your work is graded. I’m posting here just to capture that discussion.

  • Level 4 (Expert) – all work is correct and complete
  • Level 3 (Apprentice) – all work is complete but with a minor error
  • Level 2 (Practitioner) – the right concept is written but execution is incomplete or has a major error
  • Level 1 (Novice): – something correct and relevant is written

Your 5th point is for what I’ve called style, but you might think of it as structure and communication.  You can read the Practitioner level of the Communication column of the rubric to see what’s required to earn the style point. A rule of thumb to follow is to write your solution so that someone who hasn’t seen the problem before can follow your work. This includes using equal signs correctly, of course, but it also includes defining your variables, writing conclusions, and organizing your work in a logical and coherent way.

I hope this helps clarify any confusion you’ve had about grading. Certainly, if you have specific questions about how something has been or will be graded, ask. You are entitled to understand where you’re grades come from and you are responsible for making sure you do understand.