Journal 8

“Due Tomorrow”


Since the beginning of my internship, I’ve been getting these random projects from my Design Team leaders, Mandy and Arianna. Recently, I was asked to design a poster for the schools English department. I happily accepted the project, but weeped when Arianna told me the due date. “The draft is due tomorrow” she said, “..and the final version is due in two days.” My eyes fell out my face as I thought about all the other projects I was already tied up in. I had no choice but to do the work. I sent a horrible first draft that I wasn’t happy with but I didn’t care about the critique. I figured everyone gets to pass with that one decent design. Arianna gave me honest feedback, but not the type to discourage me, but the type that motivated me to try harder and submit a good final poster. I worked on the poster for the next couple of hours and sent it in the following day. Arianna and the other Design Team members loved my design and it made me feel good to know that I can work under pressure, even if it doesn’t come out to be my best work.