Monthly Archives: September 2018

Construction Manager position available

Prospect Park Alliance is looking for a Construction Manager for their project in Prospect Park.
Or contact:
Justine Heilner, RLA
Senior Landscape Architect
Design & Construction
Prospect Park Alliance
95 Prospect Park West
Brooklyn, NY 11215
T (718) 965-7766 | F (718) 965-6595

Welcome Back!:)

Hello readers,

After a shiny summer, the advisors are back and all excited meet you all! Advisement schedules for each department are posted around each departmental floor,look around your departmental floor to find yours.Once the hours are confirmed,the schedules will also be posted on OpenLab, real soon!

Also, keep an eye on OpenLab to look out for job-opportunities and exciting events .We’ll be posting job openings based on respective majors on OpenLab all throughout the semester.

See you soon!