Stop and Frisk


As a group we chose to research the topic of stop and frisk. We chose this topic because we were all interested in larger subjects that were sort of related to this topic: driving while black/police brutality/ racial discrimination. We quickly came to this conclusion in class after we created the bubble chart, broadening the topics we narrowed it down. And when we were broadening the topics we noticed that there were more leaning toward the law and policing. So we decided we’d do stop and frisk. Considering we are in one of the most diverse and populated cities, Brooklyn, it’s something that happens quite often… to a lot of people. We are all people of color, different races, from different parts of New York, different backgrounds, overall just different experiences and we individually wanted to research our own statistics regarding stop and frisk and our race. The purpose of this performance was to bring awareness to others who aren’t as educated to this topic. We wanted to do something controversial yet informative. To take it a step further we wanted to test a theory, but before we started anything we had to come up with the idea on how to approach this performance. We didn’t know how because we didn’t know too much about the facts and laws or where we would go in order to perform. In the beginning we were thinking grand central station because that is as New York as it gets, they’re be plenty of people to interview, but due to the hustle and bustle of the city we opted to choose a different spot. Our second choice was time square or central park because many people, and tourist visit there. We changed our idea again, due to the severe weather and finally chosen the school we attend.

This topic and performance is important because i’m sure many people here, even in this room experienced it yourselves or at least know someone who did.

Here’s an explanation of what Stop and frisk is even though it’s pretty self explanatory. Stop, and frisk is a police tactic that allows officers to temporarily detaining, questioning, and at times searching civilians on the street for weapons and other contraband. As a group, we researched how stop and frisk affect New Yorker. During our finding, we noticed that two race was targeted with this practice. Those of race of African American and Latinos have a high chance of being stopped than other groups as well from the stop and frisk cases being located in Brooklyn. We also found that alot of the people who get stopped with age 24 and younger.