During 1944 the Finnish government was working with the Germans before they learned the horrible atrocities they carried out. Aimo Koivunen was a Finnish soldier on a ski patrol looking out for Russians for the Germans. He and his patrol went on for miles without rest and slowly became fatigued. They were ambushed when they decided to camp and needed to escape, Koivunen was drifting to sleep so he decided to take one Pervitin, which is meth. Meth at the time was used to help with fatigue and gave a boost of energy. While escaping, Koivunen struggled to get one pill so he grabbed a handful of 30 pills of meth and swallowed. They were able to escape. Now it’s time for his two week journey where he’s stuck on the Russian countryside hallucinating because he swallowed 30 pills of meth. 

His patrol takes notice and dis-arms him just in-case he starts attacking them while on this meth high. He wanders off camp and is now alone, cold, and now way of protecting himself. He ends up hallucinating a lot of things and his sense of reality is beyond altered because when he saw a Russian out-post he decided to ski right through it while being shot at. Luckily a storm came in covering his escape, then by a miracle his squad found him and started skiing back to camp. Then he wakes up alone in the middle of the russian mountain with damaged pots, supplies, and other items. The russian cold is getting to him, good thing he spots an abandoned cabin. He starts a fire to warm up some snow to drink, then falls asleep. He wakes up to russian soldiers with flamethrowers, he narrowly escapes again. Then he wakes up, realizing he started the fire in the middle of the cabin instead of the fireplace and hallucinated the russian soldiers. With minimal supplies he stumbles to a german outpost and steps on a landmine. He wakes up, this time it’s not a hallucination and he’s missing a limb. He decides to take refuge in the building later to be blown up again. He lost all his hope of survival and gave up. He noticed a plane and tried his best to signal it. They took and a group of Finnish soldiers came to rescue them. He woke up… but it was in a hospital bed surrounded by doctors and family. Koivunen was rescued and learned that he was on his own for two weeks, malnourished, and delirious. Luckily he lived and had a good life until he died at the ripe age of 71 in 1981.