Prof. Jessica Penner | OL10 | Spring 2021

Aaron Moore, POV Story for Picture B

Jean has been working from home since the Covid-19 pandemic made conditions that way. Thank goodness, in spite of the change of location (or the lack of, considering the circumstances), her position at her job has been solid, and never compromised due to economic hits businesses have been taking, so she’s been living comfortably alongside her dog, for the most part. Granted, did she did work in corporate for Burberry, so it’s not as if she was working for a small business or office that would have gotten hit much, much harder, but things can still happen. In a similar vein of thinking, even though the world has long passed the toilet paper shortage hoax, the trauma of that period in time has caused Jean to never be without far more toilet paper than she needs. Toilet paper is a valuable necessity, and one can never have enough of those, especially with a pet in the apartment.


  1. Yasmine

    Liked that you connected the story to the pandemic that is still currently affecting us and that you brought up important aspects of how small businesses were impacted economically as opposed to big ones like for example Burberry.

  2. Christina C.

    I think your story was good. I liked how you talked about the early stages of the pandemic. Many people still think about the toilet paper crisis, whenever they look at the product. Even working from home job security is not guaranteed in the current market so it’s good that your character has something that is working for them.

  3. aaamrin

    I really enjoyed reading this because it felt so realistic since you connected it to the pandemic.

  4. aaamrin

    I really enjoyed reading this because it felt so realistic since you connected it to the pandemic.

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