Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

DeAndre Badresingh (Dialogue 1 Revised)

Dialogue 1:

Keandre: I warned you did I?

DeAndre: Don’t rub it in

Keandre: But yea this is the result

Keandre: Remember the vaccine exposes your body to a controlled version of Covid

Keandre: So rn, this is your going through COVID

DeAndre: I hate it here

Keandre: Lmfaoo

Keandre: How is it now

DeAndre: About the same

Keandre: feels manageable now or still a problem

DeAndre: Still the same

Keandre: It’s ok, you’ll love

DeAndre: I do love

DeAndre: It’s a weird emotion

Keandre: Live*

DeAndre: But we all go through it

DeAndre: Together

DeAndre: As one

Keandre: I fuckin hate you

DeAndre: Love you too bro

Dialogue 2:

Timestamp: Monday April 12, 11:40 Am

Group members: Stacy, Deborah, Greg, Diane, Timothy

Stacy: Did everyone get everything for the surprise party for Amoure?

Deborah: What was I supposed to get again?

Stacy: This is why I don’t trust you to do anything important

Greg: Damn girl what’s wrong with you?

Deborah: It’s just been a busy week


Greg: ….

Stacy: Anyway, where’s the checklist

Deborah: I kinda lost the list a while back

Greg: You are hilarious

Stacy: You just really want me to lose my shit don’t you?

Stacy: All you had to do was hold on to the damn list

Diane: Someone send me $10 I’m hungry

Stacy: Diane if you don’t stfu


Stacy: Okay so the plan is we go into the house with the spare key and set up with the balloons. Deborah will get the cake she ordered about a week ago and put it in the bedroom until Amoure comes. After that the gifts will be given after the party sounds good?

Timothy: What’s going on?

Stacy: Sometimes I wonder why I’m friends with any of you

Stacy: Deborah how much was the cake?

Deborah: What cake? I didn’t order any cake

*Stacy left the chat*

Dialogue 3:

*Both enters kitchen*

Cassey: Can you give the baby the bottle

Keith: Where is it?

Cassey: Where it usually is

Keith: Be a little more specific

Cassey: So you really don’t know where we keep the baby’s bottle?

*Keith exits kitchen*

*Cassey follows behind him*

*Both enter living room*

Keith: Why must you start arguments this early in the morning?

Keith: All I asked was where was the bottle

Cassey: If you were home more often instead of leaving me with the baby MAYBE JUST MAYBE YOU’LL KNOW WHERE WE KEEP THE BOTTLE

Keith: Why are you raising your voice?

Cassey: Where were you last night?

Keith: I went out with my guy friends

Cassey: Your location says you were in another state. I’m going to ask again; Where.Were.You.Last.Night?

Keith: I don’t have to answer this

*Keith leaves the house *

*Cassey falls to the floor and begins crying*

Dialogue 4:

Reporter 1: Here comes Charlie out running Furious

Reporter 2: Dandelion slowly but surely catching up

Reporter 2: Charlie closing the lead on Furious

Reporter 2: Snicker making his way from last to 5th standing

Reporter 1: Dandelion passing out Stallion

Reporter 1: Stallion head-to-head with Snicker

Reporter 1: All horses closing on the final lap

Reporter 2: Snicker passes his way to 3rd place

Reporter 1: Stallion passes out Snicker and takes 2nd place

Reporter 1: Just a few more seconds

Reporter 2: Dandelion coming from around the corner

Reporter 1: It’s not Dandelion and Stallion making their way to the finish line

Reporter 2: Stallion in first

Reporter 1: Dandelion now back in first

Reporter 2: It’s a back-and-forth match

Reporter 2: And now the winner is Dandelion with Stallion in second followed by Snicker, Furious, and Charlie.


  1. Joselin

    Your dialogues are entertaining, the background information given on each dialogue gave it detail. Really good!

  2. Jason Jordan

    I really enjoyed dialogue 3 because I feel like at some point in our lives we will all experience this

  3. Moose

    I enjoyed dialogue 4 because I watch a lot of sports and hear many announcers speaking so me reading this made me hear their voice in my head.

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