Poem 1 


A hard working father who’s eyes glistened at his son

A caring and loving mother introduced to the angel she created 

A family who saw nothing else but hope for the future 

However a son who only ever followed orders 

Left to wonder was this it? born to only satisfy the needs of others 

Confronted by both his parents as to what he chooses to do 

Admits there’s nothing but confusion on his mind

However disappointed, they’re understanding 

They praise him with open arms 

This is my hopeful family, my safe haven 

Poem 2 


A distraction from society’s standards 

Or a trap into the unknown 

Gaming has been a release from the everyday world

Friends were made, memories are kept for the sake of happiness 

However negligent of responsibilities

School became a chore that I did not admire 

Homework became nothing but an order 

Where did the scholar disappear to

Was he lost or did he feel at home when he was away in the digital world 

His mother potent that he stay to his studies 

An understanding father who knows the sense of release 


I choose to want nothing more but an escape

Poem 3 


Love is a dagger 

A double edged sword 

A weapon one can see themselves in

Used to either defend against others 

Or cause harms to those who we deem unworthy of our time

it’s beautiful 

Until one ends up bleeding on the ground

Confused as to where it all went wrong 

Searching for answers and coming up a blank

Love is a cruel guide for one’s own growth 

Pain at the cost of another’s being feelings 

But forever beautiful for the memories made along the way 

Poem 4 


My father, my role model, my hero

A man by many names, nonetheless looked up to

My hero is very gentle 

My hero is very forgiving 

My hero never walks away from someone in need of help 

But when he fails 

He’s looked down upon 

He’s shunned by those he holds dear

He is disrespected and shown no care 

But my hero is above all that

He is strong physically and mentally 

He does what he does regardless of how others might feel

He is my hero, the man I look up to

The man I want to become


The day starts with the same routine 

Get up, get dressed, brush my teeth

I wait for the hellish bus 

The train station that deals with everything 

From the homeless people asking for money

To the street performers dancing around 

But me, I just like my peace and quiet

I listen to music for 45 minutes 

I’m in a different world

Absorbing the lyrics as if I was with the artist when he or she made them 

The train stops “Jay street metrotech”

As I walk towards school the sudden,


A feeling of imprisonment 

But knowing that it’s best for my future

I deal with it for a few hours 

As I take the same route back home