When it comes to writing memoirs I would say it’s relatively easy. Writing about something that I know by heart through having a first hand experience. However sometimes it does get a bit challenging. Trying to find the words to perfectly describe a situation. Making sure I don’t ramble off talking about a different topic or insert things that have nothing to do with what’s going on in my story.

When I was writing Memoir 1 it was relatively easy because I already knew what the gist of the story was going to be about. Once a writer has their mind set on a topic to write about everything comes naturally. Writing about my favorite pair of shoes and making it have some meaning behind was easy because the way I felt once I purchased my own shoes was accomplishing. So writing about it was easy since I had experienced it first hand.

Writing the second memoir was a bit difficult because I had no clue what to write about. When there’s no direction and one is left to figure out what it is they want to share with others is when it gets difficult. Questions like “is this dumb to write about?” or “is this sharing a little too much about myself?” or “what will others think when they read this piece?” Memories are something that can become very personal to an author so the hardest part when it comes to writing is figuring out what it is you want to share with the world. Making sure you’re proud of the piece and feel confident to have others read it and give their opinion on it.