Journal Assignment 10

My time writing dialogues was kind of tricky but once I start writing it, it feels easy to me somehow. Because the last dialogue I typed to let my cohorts see, it was such a great journey writing one. This also proves in the making that the next English class which maybe I’ll sign up for, I’m gonna strongly improved on using vocabulary words that grabs other people’s attention, especially dialogues that’s gonna give the reader a chance for me to fix what I did wrong that includes spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, or others I have to readjust.

Journal Assignment 9

My relationship with poetry writing was somewhat good. To start off writing it, it took me 5 mins to get one sentence out because my brain was acting like it doesn’t want to work half of time. I don’t know if I ever first written a poem back in Elementary through High School but since I began writing one, it’s pretty fun once you get the hang of it. As I might take another English class the next semester, writing a poem will help me push forward and developing my skill from it would turn me into a better writer, I hope.

Paul Laurence Dunbar and Elizabeth Bishop and Me

Two poems I love reading are “We Wear the Mask” by Paul Laurence Dunbar and “One Art” by Elizabeth Bishop. In the poem written by Paul, the title kind of replicates to what the situation is now in New York because people need to wear their mask to not get themselves sick by others that has the coronavirus. The first two lines says “We wear the mask that grins and lies, it hides our cheeks and shades our eyes” and I feel like the virus is related to the title of the poem because the stuff we’re dealing now is not gonna go away faster the day goes.  Last but not least, the poem written by Elizabeth was talking about how losing can’t be hard to master. When we’re losing something valuable, think smart again about putting it somewhere safe. This quote in the article says “Lose something every day. Accept the fluster of lost door keys, the hour badly spent” means just accept the fact you lost your stuff that means so much to you, you can get a new one that’s not on you anymore.

Staceyann and Jackie

One poem I find really interesting and depressing is “September in New York” because that’s the time where a jet crashed into the tower and that got many people killed who didn’t know that it was their final day on earth.  My parents know what was happening when they received that news and I was just a toddler, not knowing what’s going on in NY. This quote means something to me like “every year September holds still, the moment, before 9/11/ after 9/11, we gather/at the end of summer, pray” and here’s why. Because this was the most saddest thing ever that happened in NY, we are here to pray for people who lost their life on 9/11 every year. Me and my family went to WTC a few times to see the amazing memorial fountain they put up, along with the name of those victims that tragically died. We might visit that place again after the virus gonna die down.

Journal Assignment 7 by Jackie Zheng

My experience with writing short stories was somewhat okay. I do tend to get stuck on either the second or the third sentence of the first paragraph. But as I worked my way up, I was thinking more carefully and to write what I want to do. Not all of our short stories are perfect and that’s what makes us a better writer and that’s by revising it and making some adjustments that needs to be fixed. What I learned the most in doing short stories was you have to manage your time as best as possible to not speed yourself up.  And yes, short stories are a bit tedious but it’s not as bad as it is when you’re writing it and it’s fun reading my cohort’s story.

Journal Assignment 6 by Jackie Zheng

Now that we’re at home waiting for the virus to disappear, it’s going okay at certain times. Before the news was teased to all people around the world, our house was quiet when my dad wasn’t here to bother us because I want nobody to yell my name every single time like he does and it honestly pisses me off. It wasn’t only me I got called out but when he’s shouting my mom’s name 24/7, it really gets me on my nerves. Though, the way to keep myself occupied is to go to my bedroom where everything is nice and quiet. The day the virus is gonna be gone for good, I can kick back on my couch and watch shows on TV without worrying a thing.

Worst News To Come of 2020

Last week, my family and I were in disbelief that the coronavirus cases has been increasing everyday and I was so upset I can’t go out to enjoy nature because getting a fresh air is always good. More than a week, I’ve stayed home to keep people away from getting me sick. The day I got the info from my college about the virus was crazy because every public schools are now closed down due to more cases being announced via Google news and social media. But since I’m chilling at home with my family, this is something we have to take seriously and we’re doing good of not going out consistently unless we’re running out of food that’s either going to happen today, tomorrow, or next week then we need to hurry to the store and get home safely.

Journal Assignment 5 by Jackie Zheng

When I was in my kindergarten class in my elementary school, I may or may not had accidentally poop in my underwear and I left a huge stain on it. I remember my teacher was calling my parents to get me a new undies that I was not going to make a mess on. But besides that, there’s no other embarrassing moment that I know of throughout my school years. At first, I don’t feel comfortable talking about this but since it’s the only one I can think of, I felt like I should get this off my chest and type it in the best way I could.

Journal Assignment 4 by Jackie Zheng


One day, I looked up to the sky and wonder this. Why do all good people died? What’s the cause of them passing away? Everyday, I start loving the things they did before the tragic event strucked in their life. (1)

The time my friend messaged me on Messenger, he asked “Do you want to see Black Panther with me?” My answer was a straight up yes because I was so happy that I had my chance to see that movie with him. That was the first time we were actually hanging out after we’re graduating from high school. (2)

While I was dm’ing one of my friends in my Physics Lab Class at City Tech, I was sending him some messages to make sure if he’s okay. When many hours had passed, I’m giving him one last chance if he’ll get to me but unfortunately, that wasn’t the case because I got zero replies so I’ll let him do whatever he wants after that happened. (3)

In high school, was I ever come off as a popular kid? No, but I made a decent amount of friends from freshman all the way to my senior year. The last day of class which I graduated too was a sad part of my life because I miss a lot of stuff me and my friends did but I’ll never let our memories die. (4)


Journal Assignment 3 by Jackie Zheng

The great thing about writing a memoir piece is I’ll be able to share my story on a good friend I still know since our freshman year in high school. Also, not only that memoir piece is fun to write but I did to get see others on what their experience was like with a friend or something they love to do in life. Although, I don’t like to say anything personal, I feel like memoir piece is the one you should write on because it’s letting people know what you’re going through and such. Overall, my memoir piece isn’t perfect but it helps me to push forward to become the best writer I can be.