Monday, 10/19 – Friday, 10/23
By end-of-day Monday, 10/19, the following activities are DUE (end-of-day means 11:59 PM):
- Respond to each of your Cohort members; email the responses to them and send a copy to my Gmail account ( for participation points!
- The final draft of your first short story is due 10/26, so you have a week to look at your Cohort’s feedback and revise it for my evaluation. Wait for instructions–you’ll be posting it on the website.
- I’ll post one more picture from our POV Story activity on Monday. Take a look and answer the question in the comments section. (Don’t worry, I’ll email a reminder!)
- Journal Assignment 5: Write about a moment from your past that changed you. A few prompts to get you going (if you’re needing some):
- Write about a significant move in your life, either from another country or just a borough/neighborhood.
- Write about a friendship lost or gained.
- Write about a decision you made that your family disagreed with.
- Write about the first time you felt alone in the world–and how that made you view the world and yourself.
- Post it under Student Work: Journals, and title it Full Name, Journal 5.
By end-of-day Wednesday, 10/21, the following activities are DUE (end-of-day means 11:59 PM):
- Chapter One from Ta-Nehisi Coates’ The Water Dancer
- My discussion on setting and context.
- Answer the question on the Announcement page.
- A formal critique of Coates’ work. Post it under Student Work: Discussions.
- Begin writing a NEW story in any POV you like (First Person or Third Person), but focus on the setting and/or context.
- Take your story from Journal 5, fictionalize it by putting it in a totally different setting. Some ideas from Creative Writing Now:
Write a story that takes place…
- in a tattoo parlor
- at the zoo at night
- in an abandoned hospital
- in a submarine
- in a magnet factory
- in the vault of a bank
- in a bridal shop
- in the kitchen of Buckingham Palace
- on the edge of a cliff
- entirely in the dark
- You aren’t required to use one of these settings, of course, but hopefully you see what I’m wanting you to focus on!
- First draft for your Cohort is 10/28!
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