For my writing piece I will be communicate the problems through a speech. The reason why I will be doing a speech instead of a letter is because these problems isn’t solved by one single person. The fashion community as a whole needs to listen and find a way to address these problems. The goal is to have not only the consumers but companies to hear this discussion as they hold the key to be able to produce clothes for plus size woman. I also feel as if allowing this to be a speech instead of a letter can allow this to be an open conversation. Allowing people to make this a topic of conversation will halt the shaming of size inclusive clothing,

I plan for my speech to be informative and speak about personal experiences from others. My goal is to allow the reader to feel ones frustration on this issue. I want to ease the listener/reader into this issue, being aggressive or start with an accusatory tone may cause defensiveness instead of having the issue heard. I will gradually create a more serious tone towards the end of speech.