I believe the social dilemmas in my discourse community would be best voiced in a letter. I say this because letters create this invisible medium or barrier between the author and his audience. I feel as though the subjects I will need to discuss are rather sensitive in regard to my intended audience. Speeches are best utilized in immediate interactions and very confrontational in nature. The arguments I intend to make are far too intricate to be lost in the moment of time. I want my audience to go back and reread if they have to, however many times it takes for my message to truly resonate with them. Given that written language tends to be more complex and intricate than speeches with longer sentences and more subordinate clauses, I think a letter is the most suitable form of delivery. The complexity I need to attempt to translate is much easier done on paper than over an allotted time frame. With that said, the complexity lies within the existential concepts I need to reference with a clever use of analogies and similies to get my pint across. Just to summarize, the issue within the discourse community at my Mosque’s youth program is quite frankly the dwindling population of members in the recent years. As we all tended to creep from adolescence into adulthood a wide variety of temptations like drugs, sex, pornography, and profane music besieged our faith and drew us away from life’s ultimate purpose. To us the ultimate purpose of life was the remembrance of our existence and the increasing of our good deeds to strengthen our deen. Each and every single one of us were warned that when we would get older and the veil of innocence was lifted off of our heads, Satan would use all the tricks up his sleeve to bring us on over to side of the sinners and the losers. When we were younger we would laugh these lessons off as an over exaggeration, a proxy of sorts of our parent’s fear of inevitable teenage rebellion. But it is only now that I can tell, nothing was exaggerated at all.