Quote1: “As we move from one DC to another,our verbal and social behavior adapts to the new environment, but I do not believe that this necessarily implies that we adapt to new identities.”  This quote stood out to me because it shows how a person can adapt to their new environment without changing their true persona. The person in question can change how they choose to present themselves but at their core they are the same person in each place. I relate to this as someone who is in many different communities, all these communities contribute to the person I am but they don’t define me as a person. My tone of voice or clothing may change depending in the group I’m in but they don’t mean I’m a completely new person. 

Quote 2: “This expansion then is designed to recognize that a DC is not necessarily utopian in flavor; it also acknowledges that DCc can flourish in darker worlds.” This quote stood out to me because although the word community brings me comfort and a sense of security, some communities may have a darker “mission” in mind. Through the text the word community brought on a sense of unity and belonging and to be reminded that it could be used against certain groups was awakening.