Question 1: With these characteristics in mind, what actors would you cast in the role of Antigone and Ismene if this were a movie? Why?

I would probably cast Scarlett Johansson as Antigone and Kate Winslet as Ismene. I would do this because I feel that Scarlett’s persona is kind of rebellious and independent. I can really see her mimicking the actions of Antigone. Kate Winslet has always seemed like the supportive but cautious type to me and I feel that she would portray Ismene really well because of that. It is also a plus that they both look like actual sisters.

Question 2: If Creon lived in today’s world, on which social media platform would his monologue appear? Why would he use this platform? What traits does he have that would make him choose this platform?

I think if Creon appeared in today’s world, he would use Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube as his primary platforms. These platforms have been known to spread misinformation and also allow individuals to broadcast dangerous messages with little penalty. Creon to seems a little sexist and also has an inferiority complex. Having these traits will make him try spread a hateful message along with gathering others of like mindedness.