I’m going to keep this short, because the nuts-and-bolts of this week’s assignment are already laid out in the Agenda for Week 8.

I’ve been perusing your topics and questions for Micro-Activity #11, and I’ve been quite impressed by what you’ve come up with! I commented on a few–if I haven’t commented, and you’d like feedback, send me a link to your questions and I’ll respond (be sure to send it to my Gmail account and have something in the subject line to the tune of “Inquiry-Based Research Feedback”), or visit during an office hour.

This week you’ll need to decide on ONE of those questions and begin researching at the City Tech Library. Usually, this is the time I take everyone to the library and a librarian walks you through how to research, but unfortunately, that won’t happen this semester. Instead, there’s an assignment on the Agenda that is standing in for this experience.

If you have found a source that isn’t found in one of the databases provided by the college, never fear! Only one source MUST be found from one of the databases. The other two may come from different sources (there’s more detail on that on the U2 Writing Assignment page); however, I don’t accept anything from Wikipedia or Shmoop! Google Scholar has a better reputation, but don’t just grab a Google source because it’s the easiest to get!

If you haven’t examined how you’re going to be sharing this information with me on 10/26, be sure to examine the U2 Writing Assignment page this weekend. There is a specific format I’m looking for, and you’ll lose points if it isn’t followed precisely!

Okay, go ahead and look at Week 8’s Agenda page!