Quote 1: “These DCs have acquired many abbreviations and acronyms as well as some special words and phrases that are needed in order to get their jobs done more quickly and more efficiently—terminologies that are not used, nor even often understood, by the general public”.

This quote was interesting to me because I could connect to it, it was faster and easier to communicate which is why each generation has a different type of slang word/abbreviation. I believe they were once used in a group and then spread out to the community.

Quote 2: “Many people are occasional members of more than one discourse community”.

I found this interesting because I personally believe in communicating and connections. By that, I mean to be in multiple groups as you can. For example, I’m in a church group, track group, and a general group of people that we could chat about anything. Each of those groups will provide some type of information to expand your knowledge.