Hadassel Gomez

Professor Penner

ENG 1121



I have never been someone that likes to read or write too much. If I am 

honest I think the only book I have ever read was in a spanish class. It happened when I was in my first year of high school when I lived in the Dominican Republic. I did it because it was the final assignment for the class and I actually just looked at a resume of the book online. I know, I should have read it. However, through these semesters that I have been in college, I have had to read many articles and some pages of books. It has changed my perspective of reading. It also has to do with maturing. 

I used to ignore books. I saw it as just probably something that

old-fashioned people do. However, As you grow up you realize that books are a source of information. you can learn from someone who has had the same experience you have had. Understand the experience some others have had. Furthermore, you can learn something that you may need to know for your future. Some articles/books tell realistic stories, some others fictional stories. That is something I have learned from this class and my past English class.