The difference between antigone and ismene is that antigone has a stronger character. Antigone is decided/confident about what she wants. She is aggressive, unafraid of the consequences of her actions or thoughts, and would continue to support them even if that takes her to death. In contrast, Iseme is timid, submissive and she demonstrated it when she said that they are “only women”. I don’t have the habit of remembering many actors names, I am bad at doing that. However, I think Scarlett Ingrid Johansson or Gal Gadot-Varsano could represent antigone. Any of them would probably be able to fulfill the role of strong woman. I think Nicole Kidman or Kristen Stewart could fulfill the role of iseme.

Creon is a strong character, his pride is what matters most to him. He doesn’t listen to anyone and thinks he is always right. Probably twitter would be the platform that better fit him. He’ll probably hate tiktok and snapchat.