Light grey brick wall with small graffiti and a large stylized 1 | 2 in black and white.
1/2” by Salina via Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Before class on Monday, students will…

  • Plan on sharing your progress on Part I on Monday and Part II on Wednesday.
    • What do I mean by “progress”? Being ready to show or discuss in detail what you’re working on for Part I on Monday and having a few paragraphs to show for Part II on Wednesday.

During class on Monday, we will…

  • Break into small groups and share our U3 Part I progress (this means you will bring your project–Twitter thread, op-ed piece, PSA, open letter, etc.–and talk about what you’ve accomplished and what you have yet to complete). Your peers will do an informal review of the project by asking the following questions:
    • Does this include information from the research done for your reflective annotated bibliography?
    • How does this give appropriate credit in order to avoid plagiarism?
  • When your group is finished, you will spend the remainder of class time working on your individual projects. Please bring your laptop or tablet in order to use this time profitably.
  • I will be calling on students to my desk to discuss their projects. Be sure to have any questions or concerns ready!


  • Continue working on Part I of U3.
  • Begin working on Part II (if you haven’t already). Be sure to have a part of your reflection ready to share with your peers on Wednesday!
    • Remember, this reflection needs to contain the following items:
      • it clearly and convincingly explains why the genre you plan to compose in makes sense for the audience you have chosen to address.
      • it clearly lists and explains the traits that are unique to the genre.
      • it is around 600 words.

During class on Wednesday, we will…

  • Share our Part II of U3 with a small group. (Be sure to have either a hard copy or a digital copy ready to email to your group.)
  • You’ll be reading and commenting on the following questions:
    • Is it clear what genre the student is using?
    • What are the constraints of the genre?
    • Who is the student’s audience?
    • Does the student explain why they chose this genre for their audience?
  • When your group is finished, you will spend the remainder of class time working on your individual projects. Please bring your laptop or tablet in order to use this time profitably.
  • I will be calling on students to my desk to discuss their reflections. Be sure to have any questions or concerns ready!


  • Continue working on Parts I and II. Our peer review session is on Monday, December 5, and the final draft is due Wednesday, December 7.
    • Both parts must be uploaded to this website. If your project size is over 10MB, talk to me about alternative ways of submitting before Wednesday.
  • I will not grant extensions to anyone who doesn’t have a documented excuse! (A doctor’s note, for example.) Turn in what you have!